
Yavuz İmsel – Biography 

Yavuz İmsel was born at February 4, 1946. After receiving his primary and secondary education in Arabic at Kirkuk, he was admitted to Ankara State Conservatory in 1966. After studying 3 years at the intermediate theatre department and 2 years at the high theatre department he graduated in 1971. İmsel started to work at Ankara State Theatre as an artist and took part in many plays. İmsel has been in Europe for several times for doing researches and increasing his knowledge. He receivedthe education of Drama Pedagogy in Sweden between the years 1977 – 1978.

He worked at Ankara State Theatre till 1994 and transferred to Izmir State Theatre after that year. He took part in many local and foreign plays as director assistant, vice director and director. He was assigned as the founder manager at Van State Theatre between the years 1997 – 1998, and he directed one children’s play and other three plays. In Germany, İmsel directed a number of plays for the Turkish corporations and the private theatres.

He also gave lessons of theatre, acting and diction. He gave different lessons and directed plays for the private theatre, municipality, revenue office, different schools and corporations indoors.

He directed the following plays at Nurnberg Perspective Theatre: “Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri” and “Yeni Bir Hayat için”. He also directed “Kadınlık Bizde Kalsın”, “Kanlı Nigar”, ‘’Ah Şu Gençler”, ‘’Sevgili Tiyatrom’’, ‘’Mutlu Ülke’’ and “Akilli Soytari” in the Objective Stage.

He managed organizations by inviting the well-known artists to the balls of The Turkish State Theatres (Ankara, Diyarbakir, Bursa, Trabzon, Sivas), the German tours and Nurnberg Objective Culture and Art Centre.

İmsel established Nurnberg Objective Culture and Art Centre and undertook the General Art Management for six years. He planed and organized the Big Show named “44.YIL” for the opening of the Turkish Theatre Days with four theatre groups: Objective Stage, Objective Stage Youth Group, Emek Stage and NFTT and two orchestra groups: Quantensprung and Mixed Turkish Orchestra by the management of Metin Demirel.

He was one of the founders of the branch office of Nurnberg Objective Culture and Art Centre at Ayvalık Theatre Objective group in 15th of October 2004. He undertook the management of the General Art. In addition, he directed the plays of “Ali Ayşe’yi Seviyor” and another two children’s plays “Mutluluk Cumhuriyeti”

and “ Kurşun Asker” at Ayvalık.

He gave lessons in acting to Mosaic Theatre Group in Schweinfurt at Germany. He directed three plays and joined five theatre groups at Munich. He gave lessons and directed the play named “Ada”. He gave lessons for six months at Dortmund and established an adult and a youth groups. He directed the play he wrote himself “Evrenin Oluşumu”. He gave lessons and directed plays at Köln and Bamberg.

He played the role of the Turkmen leader “Hasan” at the film of “The Valley of The Wolfs Iraq”.

The languages he speaks: Turkish, Arabic, English, Swedish and beginner German.

Some Theater Games In Which He Took Part

  • Kim Çalışsa Kazanır, Kim Ekerse Biçer – Arapça
  • Antigone – Arapça
  • Müdür – Arapça
  • Aksak Teymurleng – Arapça
  • Berber Ebu Casim – Arapça
  • Terzi Ebu Şahap – Arapça
  • Venedik Taciri – İngilizce
  • Ayyar Hamza
  • Sarı Naciye
  • Öğretmen
  • Koca Sinan
  • Esma Sultan
  • Keşanlı Ali Destanı
  • Suçsuzlar Çağı Suçlular Çağı
  • Alâeddin ve Sihirli Lamba – Çocuk Oyunu
  • Chaillot’daki Deli
  • Don Kişot – La Mancalı
  • Evhami
  • Kurban
  • Özgürlüğün Bedeli – Montserrat
  • Lodos
  • Canavar Sofrası
  • Billy Budd
  • Keloğlan – Çocuk Oyunu
  • Tanrı Dağı Ziyafeti – Tanrılar Dağı Batağı
  • Vatan Yahut Namık Kemal
  • Kösem Sultan
  • Koçyiğit ve Köroğlu
  • Barbaros Hayrettin
  • Ayla Öğretmen
  • Köse Dağı’nın Köprüsü
  • Yıldız Yargılanması
  • Nazım Üçlemesi – Arayan Adam
  • Nazım Üçlemesi – İçerdeki Adam
  • Nazım Üçlemesi – Dünya Yurttaşı
  • Topuzlu
  • Woyzeck

Theater Games In Which He Took Part As Assistant Director

  • Haydutlar
  • Kanlı Düğün
  • Hırcın Kız – Öp Beni Kate
  • Son Gülen
  • Cumhuriyet Kızı
  • Resimli Osmanlı Tarihi
  • Peer Gynt

Some Of The Theater Games He Directed

• Ocak
• Ay Işığında Şamata
• Karanlıkta Komedi
• Küçük Kara Balık – Çocuk Oyunu
• Rumuz Konca Gül
• Cephede Piknik – Gençlik Oyunu
• Duvarların Ötesi
• Kanlı Nigar
• Pırtlatan Bal – Çocuk Oyunu
• Sevgili Doktor
• Ayı
• Teklif
• Akıllı Soytarı – Çocuk Oyunu
• Düğün ya da Davul
• Ben Devletim
• Seferi Ramazan Bey’in Nafile Dünya’sı
• Kasabanın Alileri
• Ada
• Bir Anarşistin Kaza Sonucu Ölümü

• Ayarsızlar
• Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
• Kadınlık Bizde Kalsın
• Türkmen Düğünü
• Oto gargara
• Kurşun Asker – Çocuk Oyunu
• Yıldızların Altında
• Kahvede Şenlik Var
• Bahçemdeki Ayı
• Ali Ayşe’yi Seviyor
• Ah Şu Gençlik – Gençlik Oyunu
• Yaşasın Tiyatro – Sevgili Tiyatrom
• Keşanlı Ali Destanı
• Jeanne D’arc’ın Öteki Ölümü
• Yedi Kocalı Hürmüz
• Sessiz Çığlık
• Aşk Grevi
• Hastane
• İstanbul Efendisi